How to do Budget SEO for Small Business in Calgary Canada?

Professionals and small businesses: how to do SEO on a low budget?

If you are a professional or have a small business, this article could help you understand how to do SEO effectively when you have little budget.

The problem when talking about small or micro businesses is that they obviously don’t have the same resources as large companies. Therefore, they must find the ideal solution to achieve lasting results without spending too many resources.

Stuart, SEO consultant in the province of Calgary Canada and founder of Web Agency, a web services agency that creates websites, SEO optimizations and web marketing strategies for small and medium-sized businesses, tells us about it. Click Here for SEO Services in Calgary

The first thing to do when you can’t invest a lot is this: choose whether to prefer the support of a freelancer or whether to rely on an agency.

Opting for a freelance SEO consultant is an advisable choice for professionals who may need a few targeted optimization operations.

On the other hand, relying on a web agency, even if it is on average less economical, often proves to be the best solution, especially for projects that need to be followed with attention and consistency.

What is certain is that today everyone needs to be able to count on the support of digital marketing experts to achieve their work goals.

In fact, the more time passes, the fiercer the competition becomes and therefore unprofessional solutions become less and less effective.

First of all I thank you for granting me this interview for the readers of your blog. I am really very happy about it as I appreciate the dissemination work you have been doing for some time on SEO with a very nice style and always interesting content.

Regarding your question, I would like to make it clear that for small businesses and professionals it is essential to immediately find a sector niche in which to specialize and differentiate.

This allows you to stand out more easily and also to use SEO techniques more profitably.

Those who want to do SEO with a small budget should in fact avoid promoting themselves within sectors that are too generic and competitive, because there the competition is too high…

Trying to verticalize your offer and become specialists in a specific niche is instead the best way to go and which could bring very targeted visibility, yes but also at a national level, allowing for more interesting and profitable professional growth.

In fact, jumping straight into an overly generic sector requires huge resources, a lot of time and the risks of not obtaining the desired results are very high.

How do you suggest working with keyword research?

What can professionals and businesses do to choose the right keywords to create texts optimized for search engines?

My advice is to start from an internal analysis first of all. Knowing which services or products have the highest margin is the best assumption to start from.

Keyword research makes sense if done on the right services first and foremost. Here we need to know which are our most important products and only then start the SEO analysis.

Operationally, using free tools such as Ubersuggest, you will be able to identify the main keywords and from there analyze competitor sites to find more specific terms and draw up a list of target keywords.

In this way, by paying attention to the difficulty level of the “SD” keywords, we will be able to identify a profitable niche or an interesting sales angle.

An example of a very common search for a hairdresser in Calgary Canada. Looking at the level of difficulty, it turns out that the Calgary Canada hairdresser open on Sunday is less competitive than many others and with an interesting volume.

This could therefore be an important keyword to create a specific page or even to optimize the home page of your site in order to exploit this sales angle.

This is just an example but it helps to explain how to think using long-tail keywords.

To start your search you can click here. Thanks to this tool, which can be used for free, you can find the main keywords useful for optimizing pages and articles, but also related and long tail ones.

What else should professionals and companies do to increase visibility on search engines?

Where you have a local business, they should certainly focus on local search and therefore look for keywords that allow them to dominate local searches in their territory. In this case it is also useful to insert your business on Google, Apple and Bing maps. In some cases, to do local SEO it is also possible to create geolocalised landing pages.

Among many, a tool that can make a difference is Google My Business. Every business and professional should create a profile thanks to the service offered by Google, and optimize it by taking care of the reviews and images, but also by correctly using the keywords in the title.

You talked about geolocalised landing pages. Do you have any more specific advice on this?

Sure. To emerge at a local level, in some cases it is advisable to create pages of the service municipality type. To facilitate and speed up this operation you can use the excellent Page Generator plugin for WordPress.

Creating geolocalised landing pages is certainly a technique used especially in service areas that require home interventions.